- ISBN13:9780723288510
- 作者:Emma Thomapson
- 裝訂:精裝版
- 規格(高/寬):23.5*15.9cm
- 出版社: Frederick Warne & Co
- 出版日:2014/09/04
- 適讀年齡: 學齡前
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It was high summer and a travelling fun-fair had come to the village… Peter Rabbit and Benjamin were forbidden to attend. But even the best-behaved rabbit can’t keep away from a fun-fair; and Peter is far from being the best-behaved rabbit. With Benjamin at his side, Peter sneaks into the fair where a roller-coaster ride of an adventure begins… When Peter finds himself scooped up by a rather grumpy little girl and separated from his cousin he is helpless and very afraid. It takes the determined bravery of Benjamin to rescue Peter from the frightening hurly-burly of shouting stallholders and whirling rides.